
Guidelines for Abstracts
  • It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their text does not contain typos or grammatical errors.
  • Use a concise title that clearly reflects the content of the abstract. The first letter of each major word should be capitalized.
  • Provide full names, including surnames, for all authors. Do not include degrees or titles.
  • The presenting author’s name should be underlined, and the corresponding author’s name should be marked with an asterisk (*).
  • All submitted abstracts will be considered for the Best Poster Awards. For more details on the Best Poster Awards, please refer to the Awards page.
  • Only papers selected by each department within the College of Engineering at Yonsei University (Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Mechanical Engineering) will be presented in the poster session.
Poster Presentation Guidelines
1. Poster Presentation Information and Schedule
Schedule Date Time
Attachment Date/Time March 24 (Mon) ~15:00
Presentation Date/Time March 25 (Tue) 09:00 ~ 10:00
Tear-down Date/Time 10:00 ~ 12:00

※ Subject to change

2. Presentation Guidelines
  • Poster presenters must prepare their materials in advance and ensure that their posters are displayed on the assigned poster board for the entire duration of their assigned session. If a presenter is unable to attend due to an emergency, they must notify the YES 2024 Secretariat (yes2025@themiceter.com).
  • Presenters should remain at their posters during the designated presentation time.
  • The YES 2025 Secretariat is not responsible for posters that are not removed by the designated time. Any posters left behind may be discarded.
  • There are no specific format requirements for posters; however, each poster must include the paper title, authors, and affiliations, and must fit within the designated display area.
  • Ensure that text and illustrations are bold and large enough to be readable from a distance of 3–4 feet (1 meter).
  • The poster board surface area is approximately A0 size (W 84.4 cm x H 118.9 cm).
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  • Essential materials such as scissors and tape will be available at the poster session venue.
  • Abstracts should be submitted to the secretariat at yes2025@themiceter.com.